J.Stark Spring / Summer ‘23 — Fashion Editorial, Lifestyle

Spring / Summer Campaign for J.Stark. We’re really vibe-ing with this run of images :) We brought back two incredible talents - Akuya Stoddard + Shepherd Diaz. We played even harder this time: busted out the skateboard, danced by the bar, goofed by the pool, and altogether delivered a TON of variety in these images. Enjoy the fun we had!

Talent: Akuya Stoddard + Shepherd Diaz

Hair + Make-Up: Rosa Martinez

Location: The Starlight Motor Inn, N.Chs, SC

Wardrobe: Caleb Housel, Erik Holmberg + Jess Nickles

PA: Lydia Hadley

client - J.Stark

scope - art direction, production, photography.

field notes - Kodak Portra 400 35mm shot with Nikon f100. Kodak Portra 400 (some rolls pushed to 800 in darker setting) 120mm shot with Pentax 67. Scans by Indie Film Lab.

lighting - none besides Aputure 60x in the “lobby” scene.


J.Stark FW22

